After broadband control is applied and overall decay times are mostly in order, problems can still remain in the lower frequencies. The Scopus Tuned Bass Trap was specially designed for this need. It can be mounted directly in the corner to help with low end decay or mounted/stacked in “hot spots” to tame nulls and peaks.
Typical broadband options require a great deal of thickness to reach very low frequencies often to the point of being impractical and can also over-damp the higher frequencies. Other bonded membrane absorbers do not have the high frequency issue but are still relatively broad in nature and usually absorb up to 1 kHz. Unlike a Helmholtz resonator which has a narrow range of absorption, the Scopus Tuned Bass Trap has a broad absorption frequency range from 35Hz to 125Hz. Scopus Tuned Bass Traps work in the desired range only, leaving your mid- and high-end frequencies intact instead of deadening a room.