In 2011, GIK Acoustics exhibited at the 131st AES Convention in New York City. While we were there, Indie Ambassador interviewed GIK President Glenn Kuras.
About AES
For over 60 years, the AES has been the largest gathering of audio professionals and enthusiasts on the globe, attracting delegates from over 100 countries worldwide. Workshops, tutorials, technical papers and the exhibition floor provide attendees with a wealth of learning, networking and business opportunities.
The Audio Engineering Society (AES) is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Founded in the United States in 1948, the AES has grown to become an international organization that unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students worldwide by promoting advances in audio and disseminating new knowledge and research.
About Indie Ambassador (from their site)
We are Indie Ambassador, the team behind – a small group of entrepreneurs with a diverse, collective background in music, business, technology, marketing, other miscellaneous magic, and being nerdy-cool (yeah, we made this a thing!) We celebrate successes (big, small, and astronomically epic) with high fives, South Park quotes, and desktop air guitar-ing.
We are passionate about what we do and we’re extremely excited to contribute to music and its future development.
We are hiring – Room Designer Position Available
Designer Tips: The Significance of “Clouds” with Mike Major
When people reach out to us at GIK for acoustic advice, we never have any [...]
Designer Tips: The Importance of Coverage Area with James Lindenschmidt
The most important factor in acoustic treatment performance is coverage area. Or more specifically, the [...]
Designer Tips: Home Theaters and Acoustic Balance with John Dykstra
Without fail, one of the first things our clients say to us when we begin [...]
Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale 2021
GIK Acoustics Releases Stylish Vocal Isolation Booth
ATLANTA, GA (June 3, 2020) – We announced the debut of a new portable sound [...]
New Thicknesses for DecoShapes Hexagon Acoustic Panels
We have just introduced more thicknesses for our DecoShapes Hexagon acoustic panels. From thin 1 [...]
GIK Giveaway Summer Photo Contest 2021
The GIK Acoustics Summer Giveaway Photo Contest 2021 invited customers to submit photos illustrating how [...]